


We invite you to join us for some holiday cheer. 

The Elgin Area Women's Connection Luncheon will be held on, December 11, 2024 
at the Villa Olivia Country Club​
located at 1401 W. Lake Street in Bartlett, IL 
from 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Our special feature is a presentation of beautiful
Christmas attire by "you".  Wear your prettiest
Christmas outfits and join others women in
our Christmas attire parade.
    Our inspirational speaker will be 
Gina Peterson  from Milledgeville, IL.  
Gena will share with us her story about, "The Real Thing".  
She is a farm girl who loves to travel.  
Her travels have taken her through a tragic life.

Join us for some beautiful Christmas music by pianist,
 Patty Shurtleff.

 You won't want to miss it.

 The cost is $24.00 inclusive per person. 
Call Arlene at 630-396-0942 or 
Carolyn at 630-213-1205 or  email to make your reservation 
by December 5, 2024.

Please cancel your reservation by December 5, 2024
if you find you cannot come, to make room for those who 
would like to attend.

    Bring a friend with you, you'll both be glad you did.
Get acquainted with new friends and catch up with previous friends.

    For questions, contact